Empowering Adolescent Girls:Ending the Cycle of Violence.
On the 28 November 2021, BeLA organised a one day workshop with over 25 adolescent girls. Adolescent girls (10–19 years) face different forms of violence depending on their age and also depending on whether they are married or have partners (casual, or long-term) or not.
Both adolescent girls and boys are subjected to physical and emotional abuse by those who have power and authority over them (e.g. parents, caregivers, guardians, teachers) and by peers.
Violence against women and against girls is a widespread public health problem, a violation of human rights and one that is rooted in gender inequality.
This workshop explored the factors that drive violence against women and against adolescent girls. It highlighted the importance of promoting egalitarian gender norms and empowering women and girls in efforts to end the cycle of such violence.